We Bare Bears Wiki
Icy Nights II Gallery Transcript
This is a transcribed copy of the episode "Icy Nights II".

Feel free to add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.

Previous: "Dance Lessons" Next: "The Nom Nom Show"

[Classical piano music playing]

Roomba: (Beeping and beeps)

Ice Bear: Hmm


Grizzly: Almost there. Perfect! Now we just plug in. (Laughs) Ha-ha, okay turn it on, Pan.

Panda: Yeah, boy!

Grizzly: This is the greatest idea we've ever had.

Panda: Now we never have to leave the kitchen again.

Ice Bear: Goyukkuri douzo! ("Enjoy your meal" in Japanese)

[Electricity crackles]

Grizzly: Whoa. What's up with the lights?

Ice Bear: Ice Bear sure he paid electric bill.

[The TV is noisy and channels change.]

Panda: Whoa! Huh? Who's that?

Ice Bear: Yana.

Unknown Person: (Modulated voice) We have the barista. Come if you want her to live.

[The gear symbol appears and switches to the original channel.]

Hot Dog Ninja: I'll slaughter you in half!


Panda: Ugh, you know, I pay an extra $199 a month so that we don't get ads? I'm gonna leave Cineweb the angriest e-mail.

Ice Bear: Uh, Ice Bear needs to go get cilantro.

Panda: (Mumbling) Mmm, boy, you stupid Cineweb, making me call and waste my time.

Ice Bear: (Claps)



Roomba: (Beeps)

Ice Bear: Ice Bear is ready.

Ice Bear: (Claps)

Hot Dog Ninja & Hamburger: (Grunting) Ketchup and mustard!

Roomba: (Whoosh!)

Panda: Surround sound is amazing.

[Background music comes along with title.]

Roomba: (Whoosh!)

Ice Bear: (Claps)

Roomba: (Warble)


Yana: (Gasps and muffled shouting)

Ice Bear: Ice Bear got message. Ice Bear will save Yana.

Yana: (Mnh!) Aah! It's a trap!


Barry: I see you got my invitation. Good to see you again, my ursine friend.

[There is a past flashback.]

Barry: You've fallen right into my trap, and now I finally got you where I want. (Snaps)



Yana: Tipichno ("Typical" in Russian).

Barry: (Laughs) Outsmarted you again, Bear. You see, when I realized you and she had history, I knew I could use her as bait.

Yana: Blah, blah, blah.

Yana: He's been talking about you all day, Snezhnyy Mishka. I think he has a crush.

Barry: Ugh! I do not have a crush! This is all part of my elaborate plan to get that vacuum. And you ruined my moment! You, get the vacuum! You, watch the girl!


[Electricity crackles]

Barry: (Growls) Come on, already! Just grab the thing!

Barry's Dad: Barry?

Barry: Aah!

Barry's Dad: Is everything under control?

Barry: Yeah. Everything is going according to plan. I totally have the vaccum, so the technology is finally ours.

Barry's Dad: Just bring the tech to me, and don't screw this up. We are a billion-dollar company, not your playground.

Barry: Yes, Dad. I-I mean sir!

Yana: Aww! Daddy looks mad.

Barry: Ugh! I'll just get the vacuum myself! (Grunts) Get out of the way! (Grunting)

Yana: Hey, big guy, sounds like your boss needs some help.

[While the robot was unguarded, Yana tripped the robot foot and escaped.]

Barry: Wha-- What?! How did she escape?! (Electricity crackes) Aah!

Ice Bear: Hmm.

Barry: Aah! (Painful) Ugh! Get the bear! Do what you have to do. Just take care of them and get me that vacuum.

Ice Bear: Ice Bear's ready to party.

Yana: (Grunting) Mnh. That body of yours can sure take a lot of damage. But I'm just getting started.

[Electricity crackles]

Ice Bear: Hmm? Oh!

Yana: Ha!

[Glass shatters]

[Powers down]


Yana: Huh. It's the screens.

Ice Bear: Ice Bear had that.

Yana: Ugh! Whatever. Just aim for the heads.


Ice Bear: Hmph. (It's a one-hit KO)

[Glass shatters]

[Power down]


Yana: Not too bad, Snezhnyy Mishka. Still strong as ever. Although... I still took out two bad guys, with no hands.

Ice Bear: Ice Bear had that first one.

Yana: Spasibo ("Thank you" in Russian). So, where to now?

[Continuously press the button]

Yana: What? You thought the elevators would still be working?

[Glass shatters]


Yana: So, this little vacuum is what is causing all the fuss?

Roomba: (Beeps)

Yana: He has a better since of humor than you. You know, you didn't need to come. I can take care of myself.

Ice Bear: Ice Bear will always come save you.

Yana: (Laughs) I'm pretty sure I saved you back there, just like I saved you in Mumbai.

Ice Bear: Ice Bear saved you in Tokyo.

Yana: Ibiza.

Ice Bear: Shanghai.

Ice Bear & Yana: Halifax.

Yana: (Laughs) You're full of it. But you're cute when you're wrong.

[Boops his nose]

Ice Bear: (Blushes) That necklace looks nice on you.

Yana: (Blushes) Oh, thanks. My father gave it to me. You know there's going to be a trap waiting for us?

Ice Bear: Ice Bear has a plan.

[Elevator dings]

[All bloop]

[Crash, thud]

Yana: Zdravstvuyte! (Formal "Hello!" in Russian) Now, this just seems unfair. How about we even the odds?

[Glass shattering]

[Loud thud]


[Glass shatters, thud]

Yana: Where did you get another axe?

Roomba: (Beeps, warbles)

Yana: Wow. This building has lots of lobby space. What does this company even do?

Ice Bear: Ice Bear honestly has no idea.



[Electronic fanfare plays]

Roomba: (Beeps)

Yana: You don't have a very big axe in that vacuum, do you?

Barry: (Growls) Look what you did to my face! And now you're going to pay. With this new robot, I'll finally crush you, take your vacuum, and my dad will finally respect me -- uh, shoot -- I mean, so I can defeat you one and for all!

Yana: Uh, wh-what was that?

Barry: I said, I'm finally gonna crush you.

Yana: No, no, the first part -- uh, something about your dad?

Barry: Never mind that part!

Ice Bear: Yana, stop.

Yana: But it's so easy to bug this kid -- Aah!

Barry: I've had just about enough of you. Otpusti menya! And you've outgrown your use to me.

[Electricity crackles]

Yana: (Gasps)

Barry: Dasvidaniya ("Farewell" in Russian), barista.

[Cut off giant robot hand]

Barry: Hmm?

Yana: Aah!

Barry: Aah! Dad is gonna kill me!

[Electronic crackles]

Yana: Thanks for the hand. Ha!

Ice Bear: You dropped this.

Yana: So, you got any bright ideas?

Barry: Uhh! Do you know how much this robot costs?!

[Laser fires]

Roomba: (Whoosh!)

Yana: Hunh! Ostorozhno! ("Watch out!" in Russian)

[Laser fires]

Barry: Where'd they go?


[Laser fires]

Yana: That laser is a problem. You have to get me closer, Mishka.

Ice Bear: Ice Bear trying.

Barry: (Growls, cackles) Ha-ha!

Yana: (Laughs) So much for the nice lobby. Quick, give me one more shot.

[Laser fires]

Yana: Unh!

[Both grunt]

[Clink, clink]

Barry: Did you really think you could beat me?


Barry: Pathetic. And now I'm going to finally take what I want.

Ice Bear: No.

Barry: Ha-ha-ha-ha-hah. Finally! Now that the vacuum is mine, I have no use for either of you.


Barry: Ha-ha. Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.

Roomba: (Warbles)

Barry: Say goodbye!

Ice Bear: (Claps)

Roomba: (Slice!)

Barry: Ha-ha-ha-ha-hah. That is the tiniest axe I have ever seen. Ha-ha-ha-ha-hah

Ice Bear: (Clap)


[Glass shatters]

[Powers down]


[Triumphant music playing]

Barry: (Distorted) You... foolish bear! You may have won this round, but you'll never be sa--

[Electricity crackles]

Yana: Hold on. How nice. Someone left the keys for me. You know, now that I think about it, maybe you did save me in Halifax.

Ice Bear: Snejni Mishka vsegda budet ryadom ("Snejni Mishka will always be there" in Russian)

Yana: Yean, well, um, your vacuum did most of the work. Didn't you, buddy?

Roomba: (Beeps)


Yana: Do skorogo ("See you later" in Russian), Mishka.

[Engine starts, revs]

[Warbles softly]

Ice Bear: That necklace looks nice on you.


[Occur to Yana's talk]

Yana: Thanks. My father gave it to me.

Ice Bear: Yuri?

[The episode ends.]
